
About OWolf

OWolf.com is a personal website where I share my thoughts, projects, and other content. I work in software development building apps for content creation, and the web. I'm interested in education and productivity, so I develop tools aimed at enhancing learning and efficiency. I aim to provide value to others through my work, so I hope you find something useful here.

O. Wolfson


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JamStack, Next.js, WordPress, PHP, PostgreSQL, MDXPython, Swift, Rust, TypeScript React, Node.js, Express, Google Cloud


Shadcn UI, Vercel, Vim, Git


video production, language learning, doodling, making chocolate chip cookies.

Online Reading List:

The State of JavaScript

  • Focus: JavaScript trends, libraries, and frameworks.
  • Why: Provides insights into the latest tools and technologies in the JavaScript ecosystem.
  • Website: The State of JavaScript

The State of CSS

  • Focus: CSS trends, methodologies, and tools.
  • Why: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in CSS and front-end design.
  • Website: The State of CSS

Stack Overflow

  • Focus: General software development, programming questions, and answers.
  • Why: It's one of the largest and most active communities for developers to ask technical questions and get reliable answers.
  • Website: Stack Overflow

Reddit (Subreddits like r/programming, r/webdev, r/learnprogramming)

  • Focus: Programming, web development, learning to code, and career advice.
  • Why: Offers a wide range of discussions across different aspects of software development.
  • Website: Reddit - r/programming


  • Focus: Developer-centric articles, discussions, and insights.
  • Why: A welcoming community for developers of all levels to share and read about coding topics.
  • Website: Dev.to

GitHub Discussions

  • Focus: Open-source projects, collaboration, and code-related questions.
  • Why: Direct interaction with developers on specific projects and general development topics.
  • Website: GitHub Discussions

Hacker News

  • Focus: Technology, startups, programming, and software engineering.
  • Why: High-level discussions with professionals and industry leaders.
  • Website: Hacker News


  • Focus: Blogging platform for developers with discussions on various software development topics.
  • Why: Encourages developers to blog and engage with others through posts and comments.
  • Website: Hashnode


  • Focus: Articles and tutorials on software development, DevOps, and cloud technologies.
  • Why: A great resource for keeping up with trends and best practices.
  • Website: DZone

FreeCodeCamp Forum

  • Focus: Learning to code, getting started with development, and solving programming challenges.
  • Why: A highly supportive community for new and experienced developers alike.
  • Website: FreeCodeCamp Forum