
2024-09-09 web, development, javascript

Using Grid with Tailwind CSS

By O. Wolfson

Code at github: https://github.com/owolfdev/grid-tailwind-next

Deployed project: https://grid-tailwind-next.vercel.app/

Note that we are using react so we should use the className attribute. If you are using plain HTML, just replace className with class.

1. Setting up a Grid Container

First, you need to define an element as a grid container using the grid utility:

<div className="grid">
  <!-- Your grid items here -->

2. Define Columns and Rows

Use grid-cols-* and grid-rows-* to define the number of columns and rows:

<!-- 3 columns and 2 rows -->
<div className="grid grid-cols-3 grid-rows-2">
  <!-- Your grid items here -->

3. Spanning Multiple Columns or Rows

If you want an item to span multiple columns or rows, use col-span-* and row-span-*:

<div className="grid grid-cols-3 grid-rows-6 h-screen bg-gray-100">
  <div className="col-span-3 bg-green-200">
    header - I take up three columns

  <div className="bg-teal-200 row-span-4">content - I take up one column</div>
  <div className="bg-orange-200 row-span-4">content - I take up one column</div>
  <div className="bg-yellow-200 row-span-4">content - I take up one column</div>
  <div className="col-span-3 bg-pink-200 row-span-1">
    footer - I take up three column

Deployed example: https://grid-tailwind-next.vercel.app/spanning-multiple-rows

4. Gap between Grid Items

Use gap-* to set consistent gaps between rows and columns:

<div className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">
  <div className="bg-pink-400">1</div>
  <div className="bg-pink-400">2</div>
  <div className="bg-pink-400">3</div>
  <div className="bg-pink-400">4</div>
  <div className="bg-pink-400">5</div>

Deployed example: https://grid-tailwind-next.vercel.app/gap

For setting gap only horizontally or vertically:

<div class="grid grid-cols-3 col-gap-4 row-gap-2">
  <!-- Your grid items here -->

5. Responsive Grids

You can combine the grid utilities with Tailwind’s responsive modifiers:

<div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3">
  <!-- Your grid items here -->

This gives a single column on small screens and 3 columns on medium (md:) screens and up.

6. Areas and Templates

If you want more advanced grid layouts, you can use grid template areas. Though this may require a mix of both Tailwind and some inline styles:

  class="grid grid-areas-[header header header; sidebar content content; footer footer footer]"
  <div class="grid-area-header">Header</div>
  <div class="grid-area-sidebar">Sidebar</div>
  <div class="grid-area-content">Content</div>
  <div class="grid-area-footer">Footer</div>

(Note: the syntax above is a simplified representation, and you might need to adjust it for more complex scenarios.)

7. Alignment and Justification

Align and justify items using the following utilities:

<!-- Align items to the center -->
<div class="grid items-center">
  <!-- Your grid items here -->

<!-- Justify items to the end -->
<div class="grid justify-end">
  <!-- Your grid items here -->


  1. If you find that you're adding a lot of repetitive or verbose classes for grids, consider creating components (using your preferred framework or plain HTML/CSS) to encapsulate common grid patterns.
  2. Always test your grid layouts on various screen sizes to ensure they're responsive and look the way you want.

Remember, the above is a basic guide. CSS Grid (even in Tailwind) is very powerful, and there's much more you can do with it. Always refer to the official Tailwind documentation for the most updated and comprehensive information.