TechBlog: All things software development, tech, or programming.
Frictionless Content Creation with MDXBlog
October 3, 2024
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MDXBlog stores posts as markdown files on the local machine, eliminating the need for a round trip to a database...
Building a Content Management System for Static MDX Files
June 2, 2024
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In this article, we'll walk you through creating a content management system (CMS) for our MDX Blog, where blog posts...
Next.js Documentation - Configuring MDX in Next.js
April 20, 2024
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From the Next.js official documentation: MDX is a superset of markdown that lets you write JSX directly in your markdown...
Simple Static MDX Blog
November 17, 2023
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Creating a static MDX blog in Next.js 14 involves several steps, including setting up your Next.js environment, creating MDX files,...
What is MDX Markdown
July 24, 2022
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MDX is an extension to Markdown that allows you to write JSX code directly in Markdown documents.